The Festival in the Forest
We were hiking in old, dense woods near Leonberg, Germany, not a soul around, when I heard something out of place. Indistinct at first, it gradually became louder and clearer as we kept walking: music.
Not just any music, but what sounded to my ears like thumping iconic German festival music. 🎶 Oom-pah-pah. Oom-pah-pah. 🎶 Soon we could hear people laughing and talking, and the clinking of glasses and plates.
We had stumbled upon a festival in the forest. Katharina Krentz and I looked at each other, as if seeking validation. Are you seeing what I’m seeing?
We went from quiet isolation to being in the middle of hundreds of people, dancing and cheering to the music of a large band wearing traditional Bavarian(?) garb. Impromptu wooden shacks served us heaps of food I couldn’t quite recognize and, of course, huge mugs of beer. 🍺 🍺
It was magical. We drank and ate and, still awestruck, marveled at the beautiful energy and good will surrounding us.
That was in June, 2016. Katha and I were still getting to know each other as collaborators and friends. We were a good team and yet sometimes we disagreed or miscommunicated and there could be bad feelings.
So we made a kind of pact. “Let’s remember this moment,” we said, “if ever we have a disagreement or difficulty.” We did it to remind ourselves of our intentions and priorities. To remember that the good work we were doing and our friendship was more important than any particular issue that might come up.
Over the last eight years, as our partnership and friendship deepened in wonderful and unexpected ways, we relied on “The Festival in the Forest” only once or twice. Just knowing it was there was enough.
“Just knowing it was there was enough.”