The Working Out Loud Goal Clinic (Part 1 of 2)
In the original WOL method, you choose a goal in Week 1 and, step by step over 12 weeks, you make progress towards your goal as you build relationships and practical skills.
For some, though, choosing a goal isn’t easy. So I’ve started to run a “goal clinic” to help.
Here’s how it works.

A new WOL approach: Co-creating methods
Companies, Non-profits, Veterans Groups, Families, Universities.
This is some of the most interesting work I’ve done since the early days of Working Out Loud.
We now offer three levels of co-creating new WOL methods. Collaboration with such a wide array of passionate people and organizations has led to a greater sense of mission for WOL and created new opportunities for making a positive difference.
#ICelebrateYou : Bettina Jung and Constanze Zeller
WOL Healthcare would not exist without them. And even as we continue to improve that method we have come to experiment and collaborate on new ideas as well.
I am proud to call them my partners and my friends.

New resources and new training for WOL Mentors
New resources help WOL Mentors spread the mindset of connection and generosity to a wider audience than ever before.

“Pushing back the dark”
Why do good people in challenging environments still try, against all odds, to make a positive difference?

Transforming Risks into Opportunities: Enabling Employees to Drive Change
Are external change drivers a threat or an opportunity for your company and its employees? Who is involved in making a positive difference?
This article describes how social learning programs can transform passive awareness into active contribution.
By enabling employees to discover their personal connection to the company’s goals, companies can foster higher engagement and a greater sense of belonging while cultivating additional sources of innovation and organizational resilience.

“Upholstery on the subway seats”
"The way things are" isn't the way things have to be. Crafting intentional shared social norms can make work and life better for your team and family, or even your community or country.
#ICelebrateYou : Julia Weber
The first Wednesday of every month is #ICelebrateYou day, where we show appreciation to those who have made a positive difference in our live.
This month I celebrate Julia Weber, whose support and kindness provided for beautiful memories I still carry with me.
#ICelebrateYou : Sabine Kluge
The first Wednesday of every month is #ICelebrateYou day, where we show appreciation to those who have made a positive difference in our live.
This month I celebrate Sabine Kluge, whose intelligence, creativity, and grace have long inspired me and continue to do so.

The poet and the industrialist
Enabling employees at all levels to make the most of all they have to offer.
A romantic idea? Outdated? Or needed now more than ever?
#ICelebrateYou : Michael Trautmann
The first Wednesday of every month is #ICelebrateYou day, where we show appreciation to those who have made a positive difference in our live.
This month I celebrate Michael Trautmann, whose generosity and helpfulness, dazzling creativity and capability, vulnerability and authenticity all make me proud to call him my friend.

An extraordinary experiment in Iowa
Can you equip everyday people to thrive, even amidst challenging circumstances? Can you do it without condescension but with celebration?
This program run by Iowa State University (ISU) Extension and Outreach aims to find out.
WOL for Education: An Update
More than a dozen universities have used the original Working Out Loud method. Based on these experiences, we now have a much clearer sense of what students need and how a new WOL method can help.
In praise of strong women
Yesterday was the closing event for the latest #FrauenStärken (“strengthening women”) program. More than 6000 people participated in this program over the years, and they have shown me that strength comes in many guises.

#ICelebrateYou - Mara Tolja
The first Wednesday of every month is #ICelebrateYou day, where we show appreciation to those who have made a positive difference in our live.
This month I celebrate Mara Tolja, one of the kindest, most generous, lovely human beings I know. ❤️

Bias in the blink of an eye
“Depressing.” “Hopeless.” “A disaster.”
This is how Prof. Robert Sapolsky describes research showing we’re hardwired to identify someone as Us or Them based on race.
So what can we do?

The story of Zenkai, the monk
A story of perseverance and dedication for the betterment of all.

Pulling your own weight
It’s easy for organizations to split into factions, for cultures to develop where it feels like “every man for himself.” But with the right kinds of interventions and interactions, we can create workplaces that are more collaborative and compassionate, that make the most of what each person has to offer.

The Festival in the Forest
So we made a kind of pact. “Let’s remember this moment,” we said, “if ever we have a disagreement or difficulty.”
Just knowing it was there was enough.

“If you have to teach kindness, then you have already lost.”
Does it help to teach people how to relate to each other in the workplace?
Or is it too late?